Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's gonna be the future soon...

I dream about the future a lot. Not the distant future of flying cars and Giant Carrot Overlords, but things like my goals in life actually happening and how cool it will be. Maybe it's why I can't stay focused on one goal for too long. Give me enough time and I have already lived out the entirety of that particular journey in my head. I've already been a famous author, head vet tech at a college hospital, traveled quite a bit of the globe, been discovered as a late blooming artist/actress (what?)/model(say what?) and I've been so successful with my Etsy store that I have worked in the Etsy labs in New York and contributed numerous tutorials. Yes, my imaginary lives have been extremely successful.

In real life things are slightly less dramatic. I am happy and life is very full and I do think that I have done more than many my age. But there is not really an Oscar on my mantle and I am not a keynote speaker at conferences and I have not seen Italy. (Damn.) But it's a great life and I love it. Someday I will go to Italy and someday I will write a book. Maybe sell it. We'll have to see.

My big lesson that I have had to learn as I have gotten older and life has begun to pass by is to live outside of my head more than in it. I have seen the tragic results when people don't figure this out and I do not want to be that person. If you're wondering why no one understands how awesome you are it's probably because, in real life, you're not. Being a legend in your own mind is a lonely and bitter thing because you share it with no one.

So I want to be a legend in my family. The mom that is loved an admired by her kids as being loving, confident and willing to work hard at doing what she loves. Even if she loves more than one thing. Same with my husband, but according to him he already sees me that way. It makes me feel loved and confident and like I want to work hard to do what I love so that I am happy and can share the warm fuzzies.

See, it's all a cycle when you live outside of your head. You can't reciprocate love and happiness with yourself. But add in people and it all comes together. Until the Giant Carrots invade. Then it's every man for himself.

1 comment:

  1. The carrots will come for me first, as their natural predator. I must buy an assault peeler to defend my family.
