Tuesday, December 8, 2009

10 Things that kept me from the blog this time...

1. The fact that I was taking a pouting break after my lousy critique. BTW, it turned out that there were two judges for that contest and the second one loved my story! Huzzah!

2. Got a little overwhelmed taking care of house and family stuff while Hubby's leg was healing. He's doing much better now and doesn't even need crutches anymore, just the plastic boot. : )

3. Didn't know what to write and don't know how to post one of those sticky note things that look so cool on other blogs. You know, the kind that is usually signed by Alfred the butler - I love those.

4. Alien abduction. It was only for a week, but what a week it was...

5. I'm just kidding!

6. It was for a week and a half.

7. I started eating the low iodine diet that was part of the preparation for my six month scan to make sure that my thyroid cancer stays good and gone. It's an amazingly restrictive diet and literally seems to take over most of my life for a couple of weeks.

8. Dealing with the emotions that come up every time this cancer stuff comes around again. My poor husband has to listen to the same 'deep' discussions every six months and he does it very well. Then again, this was the first time that he told me, "I don't want to talk about anything deep or serious. Let's just watch a movie." I must admit that I was a little peeved because cancer should give a person a free pass to get melancholy all they want any time they want. But we have been doing this for two years and I was preparing to go over familiar ground anyway, so I conceded that his part of my cancer stuff gives him certain rights as well. One of them being that he does not have to participate in every wallowing session I have.

9. Thanksgiving freakout. I don't like the holidays. They are stressful and upsetting and horribly mandatory. Someday I hope to form our own traditions that allow our kids to come and see us with genuine smiles and excitement. But until then we have to deal with the holidays as usual and that means freakouts.

10. Laziness. Genuine distilled 100% pure laziness. I didn't wanna and I was busy so I didn't! (How's that for illness induced self importance?)

So, does anyone else have anything that they should have been doing the last few weeks that ended up being avoided? What's your excuse?

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