Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Okay, I have sat down and written the first sentence of this post three times this morning so apparently I am busy. Well, I might have lots to do but I am putting it all off to write for awhile today. So far I have bombed on my goals. (No way!) I have blogged but not gotten any writing done because life gets in the way. Well, life and recovering from life. I take time for down time and refuse to apologize - it keeps me going.

So what I have been thinking about this morning, besides all of the stuff that I should be doing, is Lynn Viehl's blog post from yesterday. She says that when she is writing that she considers marketability and is not ashamed to admit it. Awesome, I'm not the only one!

When I talk about writing and whether or not a book will sell everyone, including my Hubby who makes a living drawing pictures, will tell me that I should never write a story with an eye on money. It kills creativity (true) and makes for a poor story (not necessarily). The thing that I never seem to be able to make anyone understand is that if writing is to be your career than you do indeed need to look at what you are writing with at least a small amount of interest in whether or not it is marketable. Am I trying to kill the soul of my story? Nope. Do I need the money and want others to pay me to read what I wrote. Yes!

It's a fine line, to be sure. But any writer who wants to be successful needs to at least consider for a moment if the story that they are writing is worth the time. If you are writing just for the joy of it then good for you, but writing with the goal of making a living requires intention.

And I intend to make a living doing something that I love.

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