Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The best Christmas gift for a writer - time to write!

Hubby gave me about 5 hours of writing time today! I'm out writing, eating snacks, drinking coffee and then writing some more. What a good day!

Also, I'm discovering that not every server is a gracious server when you take up a table for 2 hours because you're writing while you eat. It's not like there aren't any empty tables, but some people just want the transaction to end. Come in, eat, leave. Yes, ma'am.

For anyone that writes, I got some great advice from TribalWriter.com. There are some real gems in there! The one that I took away today and used successfully was the concept of "morning pages". The idea is that when you first sit down in the morning, or whenever, write out three pages of whatever is on your mind. Just let it flow and let it go. I wrote about the kids, the hubby, my writing fears and errands that are waiting for me. One page later I was ready to work on my story because me mental palate was all cleansed. Nice!

Well, I'm going to leave this place of nervous waitresses and go back down the street to the library and write some more. I have two more hours - joy!

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