Saturday, June 13, 2009

Popcorn vs. Suckage

I love a good popcorn movie.  Pretty people do unrealistic things, gravity is laughed at, all laws of physics are suspended and, usually, big things go boom.  There are many, many times when this is all that I want from a movie.  Nice eye candy.  Sometimes, I want to laugh, cringe, yell "whoa!" and clap my hands.  Not very girlie of me, but I already went through a couple of touchy feelie 'important movies can teach us things' phases.  I still watch a variety of movies, but my life is already full of drama- why rent it.

And so I would like to put before you a few movies that are excellent popcorn movies.  Academy award winning?  uh, no.  But fun, fun, fun.  

First, let's be clear- a good popcorn movie cannot be so bad that it is distracting.  Casting, editing, directing and special effects need to all step up and do a decent job.  This is why, for all of my deep love of Jonathan Stratham, his movie In the Name of the King was one of the worst pieces of crapola ever.  The casting was awful, directing was worse, the editing took it to a whole new incomprehensible level of sewage and then the special effects guy (feeling the pressure.)  put his own drooping turd blossom on the pile.  The monsters, I have no idea what they were suppose to be, looked like Sleestaks in leather.  

But I digress.  Here, for your viewing pleasure, are a few looked over gems.
1. Push - People with psi gifts are experimented on.  Those who escape must live in hiding from the government and fight for their lives.  I have no idea what everyones issue was, this movie was awesome!  Comic book all the way.  I loved the story, the setting, the casting, everything.  It was really good and no one saw it.  That always saddens me.  It means that there will be a Hannah Montana II, but no Push 2.  Unless it's straight to DVD and has no original cast members and a quarter the budget.  Unfair, I say.

2. Crank - FUN!  Jonathan Stratham is Chev Chelios and has been given poison and has 24 hours to find a cure.  Bonus, he's a hit man and his ditzy girlfriend has no idea.  Some of my favorite scenes are of him trying to protect her while she blithely goes about her business.  The movie is just enough tongue in cheek to accept and laugh at over the top elements - like sex on the sidewalk in Chinatown.  (Funnier than it sounds.)  However, it takes itself seriously enough to have good directing, editing and effects.  Loved it, can't wait to see Crank 2.

3. The Fifth Element - In a dystopian future an ex-military cab driver (Bruce Willis) must help an alien who has come to save the world.  My hubby actually bought this one, the eye candy is so good.  Plus the there is some serious laughs to be had, especially when Gary Oldman is on screen.  That man is a hoot!  Plus it's the first Chris Tucker sighting and he will make you bust a gut.  

Okay, so there they are.  Three movies you probably have passed over in the Video Store but are totally worth a look.  Leave your academy standards in the car, grab a beer, some popcorn and chips, and enjoy.

You're welcome.

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