Friday, June 12, 2009

Writing on the run

As a mother of two kids, one of whom happens to be autistic and need a little extra attention, my writing time can be an elusive and wily thing.  When my hubby is not on his own deadline, he can play defense for me and make sure that I remain undisturbed while I work.  But in times like these, when his stuff is due today and he lost time watching kids while I worked last week, I am on my own.  And school is out.  And the weather is bad.  yay...

But it's all good, I have learned lesson #43 in writing.  Don't yell at the kids whenever they are near you and breaking your concentration.  That will only make them upset and curious, they will never leave.  It's like getting mad at a dog and thinking that waving a bacon sandwich in front of them will make them back off.  Won't work.  Instead, try ignoring them until you finish your sentence, barring your son grabbing your chin and moving it to face him because he honestly thinks that you have gone deaf and is concerned, and then calmly turn to face your interruption.  Smile, or at least show teeth, express concern or admiration- which ever will satisfy the current need.  As soon as they break eye contact, go back to writing.  Repeat as necessary.

An even better trick (#39) is writing on the run.  I have begun carrying my laptop in a backpack and taking that instead of my purse.  This way, when we go to a library or playground, I can hang with the kids until they drift off and then get a little writing done.  Special bonus: the constant creative stimulus of scenery changes, fresh air and people watching.  Special bummer:  the constant need for Advil because the backpack is heavy.  Plus, if people reading over your shoulder is upsetting, like it is for me, then you can carry it all day and never use it.  Either the kids are in need of lots of bonding that day or people are nosey as soon as you break out the computer.  My laptop has been logging some serious miles, but I have only written while out with the kids a couple of times.  I feel better having it just in case.  You never know when the kids will forget that I am even there for an hour or two.  

Well, I'm off to help my friend pack for moving and to possibly take her kids to the park.  Oooo, better take the laptop.  

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